Gemini Full Moon

Gemini Full Moon

As November quietly comes into completion, many of you will be noticing that the energy around you actually feels very noisy…nothing quiet about it! People have lists and lots to do, and often ‘the most magical time of the year’, isn’t feeling very magical when there is an exceptional amount of ‘get things done’ energy swallowing up all the joy juice.Many people get fiercely focused and often forget that this freight train energy can derail everyone and everything around them, which is why a full moon flow in Gemini is the perfect teacher for right now.


Gemini highlights the way your mind directs your energy. The positive traits of Gemini delight in being adaptable, quick thinking and in clear communication with everyone, whilst also taking the time to be caring, inclusive and kind.


Always remember that there is great power in peace. Be aware of how your mind is directing your energy…in the negative and the positive. Are you contributing chaos or calm? Is your focus helping others to flourish or are you simply making everyone feel flustered?


Mother Moon’s magical message this month is…choose to be kind. Be the one that tosses the small stones to create the biggest ripples of love in action.


Many beautiful souls are suffering under the strain of financial stress, separation and overwhelm; let your light lean in and offer hope, happiness and joy. You will never truly know how your kind words, huge smile and peaceful, helpful energy can altar peoples lives in super positive ways.


I leave you with a little love memo…’practice what you know and support others to grow’… Love Out Loud!


All blessings of illumination…Tanya xxx

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